3-TAS-05 Sundials and Reactions
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- Pupils can explain how a sundial is used to measure time
- Pupils understand the concept of reaction time, the factors that affect it and can recall one way of measuring reaction time
Specification References
- Display images of different sundials, progressing through time; Show time-lapse video of sundial, an example can be found here
Main Body of Lesson
- Make sundials
- Make and use reaction timers
- Investigate factors affecting reaction time
- Wordsearch with clues
- Continue Alien Planet project; focus on timekeeping (e.g. how do you tell the time with a sundial if there are three suns?).
Additional Information
Resources Required
- Sundial kits, images and videos of sundials, craft equipment
Textbook References
Website References
Skills Addressed
- Practical skills, use of mathematics, calibration