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Specification References

4.2 describe energy transfers involving the following forms of energy: thermal (heat), light, electrical, sound, kinetic, chemical, nuclear and potential (elastic and gravitational)

4.3 understand that energy is conserved


  • Elicit types of energy that pupils already know.

Main Body of Lesson

  • Issue pupils with definitions of forms of energy and run through each one individually.
    • Differentiate between stored (potential) energy and "energy in use".
    • Stored: nuclear potential, gravitational potential, chemical potential and elastic potential (a.k.a. stored mechanical energy).
    • In use: kinetic, thermal, electrical, radiant (a.k.a. light) and sound.
  • Introduce pupils to the concept of energy transfer.
    • Include the concept of useful energy transfer with reference to filament lightbulbs.
  • Pupils run through energy circus.
  • Pupils run through energy transfers loop game.

A note on terminology

  • There are a number of preferred terms here: please talk about "forms" of energy rather than "types" or "sorts" and please discourage the use of "heat energy" - heat is a verb, not a noun, the correct term is "thermal energy".



Resources Required

Skills Addressed

  • Understanding conserved quantities.


  • Various items from the energy circus can be hazardous.

Energy Outline

Energy (3rd Form)