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  • Pupils can collect distance and time data from videos and scale maps

Specification References


Log in and locate the video (put location on the white board)

Main Body of Lesson

Pupils need to collect a series of distances and times from a map and video. They need to find in the video at what time the car reaches various points of interest and to measure the distance between these points. There are 3 types of points of interest on the map:

  • The start and finsih (fairly obvious) - these are marked with a blob
  • Obvious roads on the way to Hartswood - these are marked by pins
  • Places where the driver has to stop for a period of time - these are marked by exclamation marks in a triangle

Pupils need to note the time the driver arrives at each point and for the stopping marks needs to identify when the stopped and when they started again. This can be marked on the map. Once pupils have the times of when the driver got to each position on the map they then need to measure the distance between each point and convert it to a real world distance using the scale. This data can also be wriotten on the map. Finally pupils need to put the information into a table of distance vs. time.

The video is on the student drive in the Physics folder.


Discuss what the best way to display this data would be.


Have pupils plot distance against time for the journey ready to analyse next lesson.

Additional Information

Resources Required

Textbook References

Website References

Skills Addressed




If you're using the laptops try to have them switched on out in the lab as pupils arrive to save time. Have pupils log in when they arrive as this too will help speed up the process