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  • Pupils can
  • Use of P = IV, higher currents leads to hotter wires
  • Ammeter in series, voltmeter in parallel

Specification References

2.4 know some of the different ways in which electrical heating is used in a variety of domestic contexts

2.5 understand that a current in a resistor results in the electrical transfer of energy and an increase in temperature

2.6 recall and use the relationship, power = current x voltage, P=IV and apply the relationship to the selection of appropriate fuses

2.7 use the relationship between energy transferred, current, voltage and time: energy transferred = current x voltage x time, E = ItV

2.8 recall that mains electricity is alternating


Intro to practical

Main Body of Lesson

  • Use of different fuse wires to discover the heating effect of a wire depends on current, thin wires heat up more for same current
  • Power output of a bulb



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