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- Pupils can be aware of electrical hazards and how to safely wire a plug.
Specification References
2.2 recall the hazards of electricity including frayed cables, long cables, damaged plugs, water around sockets, and pushing metal objects into sockets
2.3 describe the uses of insulation, double insulation, earthing, fuses and circuit breakers in a range of domestic appliances
Class brainstorming – why electricity can be dangerous?
Main Body of Lesson
- Spot the hazard
- Sparky and RCD circuit breakers - introduction to the earth wire
- Wiring a plug
Why plastic appliances do not need earth wire – double insulation
Home appliances– fuse or double insulation
Additional Information
Resources Required
- Sparky
- Spot the hazards sheet
- 3 pin plugs, wires, wire strippers/cutters, screwdrivers
- Plug diagram to label
- Video clip to demonstrate how electrical fires start
Textbook References
- Page 192-195
Website References
Skills Addressed
Practical skills
- Ensure that power to the sockets is off and tell the poupiuls not to plug their plugs in.
- Sharp wire strippers and sharp strands of copper
Detail about the how the earthe wire works are not needed. Students should understand that the earth wire is there for safety and that only metal cased appliance need one. Double insulated appliances all have one but only as back up.