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  • Pupils can analyse results and identify direclty and inversely proportional relationships
  • Pupils can evaluate their own practical work and look to improve upon their results

Specification References


  • Review practical from previous lesson

Main Body of Lesson

  • Go through "what makes a good graph" inluding how to find gradient, scales, labels etc.
  • Pupils to use their data from the previous lesson and plot the following graphs:

1. average resistance against length

2. average resistance against area

3. average resistance against 1/area

  • Ask pupils why the curved graph is less useful
  • Discuss the concept of variables being directly proportional
  • Pupils to take some data from their graph to e.g. to predict the resistance for a given length
  • Discuss where errors could have arisen
  • Discuss improvements which could be made to the investigation


  • Recap practical methods used, discuss how the investigation could be furthered


  • Revise for end of topic test

Additional Information

Resources Required

Textbook References

Website References

Skills Addressed



Electricity Outline
