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Revision as of 06:15, 19 November 2009 by Agm (Talk | contribs) (Main Body of Lesson)

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  • Pupils can recall the hearing range of a human and determine whether a frequency lies within the range and understand that
  • Pupils understand that any sound wave with a frequency greater than 20kHz is known as ultrasound.
  • Pupils can recall different uses of ultrasound and can explain the idea of ultrasound scanning using an echo.
  • Pupils can describe how to measure the speed of sound using a clapping method and an electronic method.

Specification References


  • Carry out pupil hearing range experiment using speaker and signal generator. Pupils will probably bring up the The Mosquito at this point.

Main Body of Lesson


  • Link frequency and amplitude to sound waves using audio clips.


Additional Information

Resources Required

  • Signal Generator
  • Speaker
  • Vacuum pump connected to Bell Jar
  • Ultrasonic cleaner

Textbook References

  • Pople 6.03 pp. 128-135

Website References

Skills Addressed

  • Awesomeosity

